Iruzun Scouts and Guides


Organised and managed by volunteers since the year 2000, Iruzun is a mixed Scouts (boys) and Guides (girls) group from San Sebastián, Basque Country, Spain. They are growing and were in need of a brand refresh exercise.

Scouts are universally recognised by the purple fleur-de-lis, Girl Guiding use a trefoil symbol, and we looked at local elements and symbols to create a unique mark for the group. Both the city’s and regional crests feature water as this is a coastal region, surrounded by mountains.

We have created a colourful visual style with a fun illustration approach suited to the mountaineering and camping activities of the group and its young members. We’ve also helped with tone of voice and are working in improving their social media use and presence.

Creative direction and design
Willem Heskes

Kimiko Taro